Want Living Water?

Read John 4: 7-15

A Samaritan woman approaches Jacob’s well. It was noon, her usual time, but this time something was different. A man was sitting there as if he were waiting for her. He asks her for a drink.

The woman looks closer as she approaches the well.  This is a Jewish man, a stranger, sitting at the place where she comes to regularly. What is this Jew doing at her well? And then he wants me to fetch him a drink of water? Her thoughts go to all the stigmas of Jews not even using the dishes of a Samaritan. There is such animosity between Jews and Samaritans. What are this man’s intentions?

Her reply to Jesus echoes the thoughts she has. Why are you asking me for a drink? This is not proper according to our countrymen’s beliefs and traditions.

Jesus’ answer does not dwell on her current understanding and thoughts. He doesn’t provide an answer to her comment. There is another topic that needs to be discussed. This was not a time to get caught in men’s perceptions, opinions, and rules. He goes to the next level. It is a moment where the Spirit of God can bring a new truth, revelation, and insight.

Don’t we experience this situation many times in our conversations with others? We can be on either side of this conversation. We could be the one who sees someone stuck in their perception of the situation. We can see beyond that and know our conversation with them can be so much richer, even engaging positively if we can get them to another level. Or we could be the one stuck in the moment, not able to see beyond our current circumstances.

It can be as simple as focusing on bad weather or a story heard on the news. There is a focus on what is bad. Isn’t that terrible? Let’s dwell on that. Let’s spend our time ruminating on things that bring depression or take away the joy of the day.

Oh, there are times when things are bad, and we truly need to talk to someone about what is going on that is bringing pain in our lives. But this is not the case here. This is an opportunity for something new to be planted, a key to a treasure that brings life and new hope.

Can we look for opportunities as the Holy Spirit leads to bring a conversation with someone else to a new level? What about something as simple as a conversation about bad weather turning into a conversation about something they plan to do when the sun is back out? Can we turn a news story about a traumatic event into one of thankfulness for the Lord’s protection and provision? And where can the Spirit lead our conversation from there?

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Could Jesus have addressed the situation between Jews and Samaritans with this woman? Could He have gotten into a conversation about the error of men and their misperceptions of how God intended them to worship? He could have. But there was a much better conversation and truth to reveal.

Jesus wanted her to get beyond her initial perception of the situation and focus on Him. Here was a gift of God in front of her. Here was someone who could provide living water. Here was someone who had something so much more to offer.  Jesus directed the conversation to something that would go beyond a daily task, thought, or perception.

Doesn’t the Lord love to do that with us regularly? Isn’t it wonderful what we can find in His Word every time we open it? What inspiration, direction, or wisdom we can find for every situation. Living water.

The Samaritan woman hears a challenging answer from Jesus. “If you knew the gift of God”, and by the way, do you realize who is asking you for a drink? You should ask him for a drink instead of the other way around. And that’s not all! Instead of regular water, you can receive living water.

 She is trying to understand what is being said to her. She is relying on her own understanding.

Her mind spins. Everyone knows how special this well is. It has its roots in Jacob, the patriarch. How can someone claim to be more important than him in this place? And you are offering me water? Why, you don’t even have the tools to contain the water to even fetch it. Do you know how deep this well is? Okay, who are you and what kind of games are you trying to play with me?

Our Lord Jesus doesn’t leave this woman to drown in her own reasoning. He desires to help her through the steps to partake of this new knowledge, this new concept. Jesus goes on to explain the water doesn’t come from this well. The water from this well only temporarily relieves your thirst. Daily you will need to come back and get more water because it doesn’t fully satisfy your thirst.

Actually, the living water that Jesus provides is not from a well. It is from a spring. It is water that wells up to eternal life. Once you partake of this water, you will never thirst again.

This must have sounded intriguing to the woman. Never thirst again? Of course, I’d like this water! Who wants to keep coming to this well day after day after day? Sure! I’ll take you up on this offer sir!

Why would Jesus use water in this conversation? This wasn’t just about a time and place to meet a specific person. He also declared that He is a source of living water.

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Before we move on with this story, we need to pause and consider what this may mean to us today. Why water? Why living water?

When Googling the importance of water, the first statement that came up for me was that water is vital to our health. It helps maintain our body functions such as delivering nutrients to our cells, flushing out waste, and lubricating our joints and organs, just to name a couple of important purposes.

What then does living water from Jesus mean to us? Is His Word delivering nutrients to our spirits? Is it flushing out the filth of sin and its remnants that our enemy wants to fester and breed infection within our souls? Does our relationship with Jesus and His Word provide lubrication for our spiritual organs to operate, like the fruit of the Holy Spirit and the manifestation of His gifts that He implants within us?

And then there is the need for water regularly, daily. If that is a need for our earthy bodies, how much more do we need living water for our spirits and souls?

The Samaritan woman now looks to Jesus for the living water He has just offered. At this point, she doesn’t know the path Jesus has planned for her to walk. She has no clue what He can and will reveal within her life and heart. This living water doesn’t just skim over the top surface. It penetrates, it cleanses, it refreshes like no other.

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.  Proverbs 3:5-6