When we think of treasure, what comes to mind?
What about an old movie of pirates and their treasure chests filled with gems, gold, and silver? What adventures did these men pursue to obtain it? And when they found treasure, did they use it or bury it somewhere?

Have you ever come across the statement “One man’s trash is another man’s treasure”? How many of us have ventured through a flea market rummaging through some bins to see if we could find a good treasure to behold? Oh, the bragging rights that one found such a great deal.
What about a diamond mine? Other gems? When they are initially found, they look ordinary, of little value. What skill does it take to know their true value before the process that is required to turn it into the rare, precious treasure that it really is?

Consider for a moment a treasure that would be valuable. Can we pause a moment and think about what we would truly value as a treasure? Is it easily obtainable? What needs to be done to find, obtain, or polish it up?
When thinking about a treasure, was it something material that is truly visible for all to see? Or was it intangible, something that invokes pleasant thoughts like a relationship with someone?
Or when thinking about a treasure, is it difficult because whatever we think of as a treasure is not obtainable or a blowing in the wind, outside our grasp?
Why would we want to seek a treasure in the first place? Is there something we need to help resolve a situation we are in, like paying off a large debt? Do we need the adventure to find something of value to fulfill an inner drive that propels us? Do we need to seek and find a treasure that helps us answer our life’s questions?
Where do we go to find treasure? Do we go to the trash bin? What about a worn-out empty mine that has already been stripped, but someone tells us that there’s still something of value there? And by the way, there’s a $100 entry fee, please.

If you are reading this, you are already on the road of seeking a life treasure. So many of us have sought out answers and have determined that the world promises so much, but the results are not lasting or fulfilling. So where can we look? What about going to the master designer of the treasure map? How about we follow the directions to a place that has more treasure than we could hope to discover?
What does the Word of God say about treasure? Here are just a couple of verses:
Proverbs 2:2-5 Turn your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding— indeed, if you call out for insight and cry aloud for understanding, and if you look for it as for silver and search for it as for hidden treasure, then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.
Matthew 6:21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
In Proverbs, we are encouraged to seek wisdom and understanding like hidden treasure. And the source, the place to look, is where the Lord is.
In Jesus’ sermon on the mount, He knows we instinctively look for a treasure. He wants us to reflect on the type of treasure we are seeking.
Our efforts, where we are looking, and the type of treasure we seek, will influence our hearts. It influences our character. It influences our daily lives.

The key to the ultimate life-enriching treasure is seeking out our creator and His guidance for dealing with life situations. It is finding a treasure chest, a field of gems, riches that give meaning to each day.
The entry fee into this place where we can find valuable treasures has already been paid. The payment was a sacrifice by Jesus Christ. The gift of salvation. But the benefit doesn’t end with an initial entry ticket and one nugget to hold on to. He invites us to find the treasures that are available to us to help us with several life questions and situations we need to deal with every day.
But be alert. We also have an enemy that does not want us to find this kind of treasure. He will distract us, and provide other adventures for us to pursue with promises of fulfillment that may work initially, but with a hidden price we can’t afford.
So we have a choice to make. Every day. What kind of treasure are we looking for in our lives?
The enemy wants us to choose to seek treasure like a pirate. They would do everything they could to obtain something that is not rightly theirs, killing and destroying. Our enemy also uses other tactics to lure us into grasping meaningless nuggets. What about the television, the internet, or a game that will introduce you to something that is an unhealthy object to obtain, leading you down a path of self-destruction? Please beware of the lies and deceit of the enemy that wants us to go after false treasure.

Confused? Ask for wisdom (James 1:5, James 3:17). Wisdom from the Lord will direct you to the field of treasure you need to search within and start gathering.
Seek and you will find them (Matthew 7:7).
Is this easy? Not in this lifetime. Think about those precious gems that are first found. There is a cutting away process of the impurities that need to occur before the full value is revealed. This whole process takes effort. First to find, then to obtain, and then to get to the full value. It does not necessarily happen overnight. Oh, how we wish it could be so much easier and faster.
That’s the significance of finding a life treasure. It is not fleeting and fades with time, but something that is like a seed planted within our soul. It breaks free from its initial protective shell. Then the first root grows out and is joined by other roots. We get nourishment from the Word of God and those roots eventually become like a tree that bears its fruit in its season (Psalm 1). The seed itself is a treasure to behold.

There is true life treasure that brings life, even into eternity. There is a fake, synthetic treasure available that doesn’t penetrate what we truly need to answer our life questions. Where are we seeking and spending our time? What kind of treasure are we looking for?
Seek wise counsel. Gather true, healthy treasure for your heart and soul.
Stay in God’s Word.
You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. Jeremiah 29:13