How do we worship God?

Read John 4:20-28

This woman has just realized that Jesus is a prophet. He saw into her current living situation. And it was without any commentary from her. How much time elapsed before we read the next verse when she brings up the topic of where to worship?

Did she have such an encounter with Jesus that she wanted to go to church? Did she want to participate in one of the rituals she was taught that was a way to worship God? The next words we read are about the place to worship – what her fathers said to do versus what the Jews said must be done.

This woman gets to the heart of the conflict. My ancestors say I need to worship one way. But I know the Jews say we need to worship another way. Can you resolve this conflict? What should I do? Jesus, You are offering me Living Water. Where am I supposed to go not only to obtain it but be thankful for receiving it and giving praise to God?

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Do we have a similar question at times? Some towns have a church on every corner, so to speak. There is an offering of various denominations. Each has its doctrine and teaching of what is truth. Do we have a similar situation as this woman at the well? One camp says we need to worship God this way, the other camp says that’s not right and you need to do it a different way. What are we to do? Where are we to go?

Jesus’ reply to the woman is one of direction. It holds a future prophecy and provides truth in the current situation. Yes, there is a separate way of worship that is occurring right now. The Samaritans are worshiping, not knowing the full truth of their actions. The Jews worship what they do know, and salvation has its roots there. However, this is now the time for a new revelation of worship.

True worshipers are going to worship our Father in Heaven in spirit and in truth. He is a spirit. That is how we are to come and worship Him.

It will not be about a physical location anymore. There was a time when God led the people of Israel to build a place where He could dwell with them, and they could come to them. Now it was time, because of what Jesus was to do, to make a way for everyone to draw near to the Father in spirit and in truth. The place of worship would now be in our hearts, souls, and minds—no longer a specific physical place.

And let us not miss Jesus’ comment that worshiping the Father in spirit is what He wants. He is looking for people who are seeking Him in this way. And if you think about a loving Father, how does He respond when his children please him and come to spend time with him because of who he is? Our God is letting us know that He truly desires us to have a meaningful relationship with Him.

Have you ever been to a conference or event that goes across the denominations? Many times events like these will start with worshiping God in song. As everyone, no matter where they come from sing together before the Lord, the atmosphere is charged with God’s presence as He loves to see His children all coming together to worship Him in unity.

It is not about the building or the denomination. It is about our personal relationship with the Lord and being a part of the larger family. Yes, we gather in the various churches or home groups, wherever it may be. For, we need the community of believers around us. There is a purpose for this. But one thing I’ve learned long ago, and maybe you can relate… there isn’t one church or denomination that has it 100% correct. While we are on this side of heaven, there will be errors, for we are not perfect. But that is what Jesus’ life and sacrifice do for us. We are not dependent on the building or denomination. It’s about the Living Water He offers us and the direction He provides for us to worship the Father in spirit and in truth. It’s about getting beyond the four walls and exploring a spiritual relationship with God.

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The woman at the well is now challenged with a new truth. How could she take all this in? Could she fully understand what Jesus was saying?

She reaches into her library of what she has been educated in over the years. She has been taught that a Messiah was coming and that revelation would come from Him. She is not going to rely on her own understanding right now. This is above her head! She’d never heard such words before.

Not knowing how else to respond to the words of this prophet, she voices that she is looking for the Messiah. The answer comes back quickly. “I am He.”

The disciples are approaching. She is no longer alone with this prophet. There is now a distraction.  This specific private conversation with the prophet is now at an end. This was an opportunity to absorb what she had just been told.

The Lord’s timing is just right.

She just got a dosage of living water and needed some time to let it sink in. Now she had a choice of what to do. Was there any feeling of conviction? Or was this a time of revelation that would not only give her a new direction in her life but also impact others? This was a woman who came to get physical water by herself. Now the water she received was too wonderful to keep to herself. This water was already penetrating from the inside out. It was bringing not only revelation but inner healing to her circumstances. Yes, this water reaches the most innermost parts of the soul.

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She was no longer alone with this prophet, the Messiah. In this shift in the environment, she is determining in her heart that what she has encountered cannot be kept to herself. This is no longer a time to be by herself. The overflow in her heart that she is experiencing must be shared. It’s not about the water from that well anymore.

The jar she brought for physical water is left behind. She has found Living Water to share with her household and others. She heads to town with her heart overflowing.