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Experience Heavenly Realms

When studying Ephesians, I was reminded that all of us have our pit experiences. There are no exceptions, no matter the severity of our past actions. We are all guilty of something, somewhere.

We are also shown the love of God, His mercy, grace, and kindness. He desires to pull us out of our mess and redeem us. He desires to show us a better place, even the heavenly realms so that we can see what blessings He has in store for us.

In Ephesians 2:6, it states that God raises us up to Him in the heavenly realms. That reminds us of Ephesians 1:3 where we are told we have spiritual blessings in the heavenly realms.

So, can you picture the child that’s running around in a room, confused, or in tears, needing love and guidance, being picked up by their parent? The parent places the child on their lap and starts talking to them in loving, caring tones, comforting the child. They show their love, kindness, and desire to help them.

In this case, the child is allowing the parent’s love to wash over them, they are receiving the blessing and love. They have been raised up into a better realm.

What about the child who is stubborn and out of anger or other distraction, does not want to be touched and raised up to a place of loving guidance? They prefer to stay within the realm they are in.

We have a Father in heaven that gives us that choice.

We can come sit with Him, learn of Him, and receive His love and guidance. Or we can run in the other direction and give our attention to the earthly toys and distractions, even our way instead.

There is an enemy that we have that desires us to not run to our Father but to be distracted by everything or anything else.

We have a choice.

The choice is the things offered in this world, or discovering what our inheritance and blessings are within the heavenly realms. Where do we want to spend our time and focus?

Ephesians 1:3, 2:1-7