Thoughts to Ponder

David and Goliath-David (3)
Brotherly Opposition
Read I Samuel 17: 28-31 Eliab, David’s older brother gets wind of David asking about the reward. Out of his mouth comes words of accusations and judgment. It is apparent to all who witness this conversation that Eliab’s words are laced with anger towards his younger brother. Was this just a sibling...
David and Goliath-David (2)
The Reward
1 Samuel 17: 25-27 David has just watched the troops of Israel retreat in fear. They start huddling in groups trying to get their wits together, talking through this situation. There must be a remedy. And now there was a reward to consider. Whoever can take down the giant-man, gets a special prize!...
David and Goliath-David (1)
David Runs an Errand
Read I Samuel 17: 17-24 “David, I need you to run an errand. Your brothers are gathered in the Valley of Elah for battle against the Philistines. I’m sure they could use some nourishing food. Plus, I’d like to know how they are holding up. Can you go do that for me please?” How important is it for...
David and Goliath-David
Introduction to David
Read 1 Samuel 17: 12-15, 1 Samuel 16 It is time for David to enter the scene. First, we are told of his origin and his family. But wasn’t this just covered in the previous chapter? Why do we need to know this information again? Is it placed here to remind us of the previous chapter and to pique our...
David and Goliath-Words
The Words of Goliath
Read I Samuel 17:8-11, 16 Goliath shouts his words to the ranks of Israel. He openly defies them. His words terrify and dismay this gathering of men. We are only told a portion of the words that were spoken by this immense-looking warrior of the enemy. Can we imagine what other types of mockery and...
David and Goliath-Appearance
Goliath’s Appearance
Read 1 Samuel 17:4-7 A late recruit joins his comrades at the battleground. During the evening around the campfire, he hears the stories of the enemy’s champion. The appearance of Goliath is described in detail. The details he hears are quite a bit to take in. Is it all true? Are they expecting me...
David and Goliath
The Battleground
Read 1 Samuel 17: 1-3 This story starts with describing a gathering for battle. This wasn’t just an overnight thing and it’s done. Camps were set up. They meant business. This was a battleground for war. Battles of war in this time would be different than today. The weapons of choice were far limited...
A Town Believes
A Town Believes
Read John 4: 28-30, 39-42 The woman at the well has left her water jar to go share the good news she has received with her family, neighbors, and anyone who would listen to her. The town starts to hear and they are intrigued. They want to hear more. They believed her. It was not enough just to hear...
Food for Disciples
Read John 4: 27-38 The disciples have returned from the town bearing food (vs. 8). Upon their arrival they see their Rabbi conversing with a Samaritan woman. Suddenly she takes off towards the town, leaving her water jar behind. They have their questions on what is going on, but no one voices them....
Human hands open palm up worship
How do we worship God?
Read John 4:20-28 This woman has just realized that Jesus is a prophet. He saw into her current living situation. And it was without any commentary from her. How much time elapsed before we read the next verse when she brings up the topic of where to worship? Did she have such an encounter with Jesus...
Where are we being led?
It was a time in Jerusalem when the young royal princes were absorbed in their tasks and training. A prophet in the area was proclaiming that judgment was coming. Yet, there were so many other prophets proclaiming, “All is well.” Since there were so many more prophets saying God was in the process...
Mental stress, depression, support, religion, christianity concept
You Know Me
Read John 4:16-19 In the previous verses, Jesus asked if this woman would like living water. She would! Now Jesus is about to get into her personal business. Here comes that first dosage of living water for her to consume and penetrate her very soul.  Jesus asks her to get your husband. Bring...
Vintage Drawing of Biblical Story of Jesus Talks with Samaritan Woman near Well
Want Living Water?
Read John 4: 7-15 A Samaritan woman approaches Jacob’s well. It was noon, her usual time, but this time something was different. A man was sitting there as if he were waiting for her. He asks her for a drink. The woman looks closer as she approaches the well.  This is a Jewish man, a stranger,...
Dirt Road
Destination Samaria
Read John 4:4-9, Focus on 4-6 Have you ever wondered about Bible translations and their accuracy? I had that question when reading verse 4. My version states “Now He had to go through Samaria.” Did Jesus really HAVE to go? Was this a correct translation? How many sermons and teachings have we heard...
The Pharisees and God's Timing
Read John 4:1-3 This chapter starts with the reason for the journey that is to unfold in this story. Not only was John the Baptist and his disciples baptizing people, but Jesus’ disciples were as well. The previous chapter in John verse 23 mentions that people were constantly coming out to be baptized....
Treasure Seeking
Treasure Seekers
When we think of treasure, what comes to mind? What about an old movie of pirates and their treasure chests filled with gems, gold, and silver? What adventures did these men pursue to obtain it? And when they found treasure, did they use it or bury it somewhere? Have you ever come across the statement...
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Different Opinions?
I have heard it said that if you get 4 Jewish people in a room to discuss something, there will be 5 different opinions. That statement has resonated with me over time and has helped me understand that we are going to have different viewpoints.  We come from diverse backgrounds, talents, and institutions...
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Experience Heavenly Realms
When studying Ephesians, I was reminded that all of us have our pit experiences. There are no exceptions, no matter the severity of our past actions. We are all guilty of something, somewhere. We are also shown the love of God, His mercy, grace, and kindness. He desires to pull us out of our mess and...
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Bible Study How To – Verse by Verse
To Begin: Read a selection of scripture. Start with a chapter or select a grouping of verses that many Bibles have. For example, starting with the Book of Genesis.  Read Chapter One. Or read the section called “The Creation” or “The Beginning” which some Bibles show as Genesis 1:1-2:3. Read...
Treasure Key
The Key to the Treasure
I had a brand-new pair of boots. It was the new style. My parents didn’t have a lot of money, so this was a special occasion to show them off. There was a mini-forest area, complete with a little swamp by our house where the kids of the neighborhood would venture from time to time. On this occasion...

Scriptures taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The “NIV” and “New International Version” are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.®